The church is a family—find the right community for you!


  • Groups are small groups of adults (usually between 12-16 people) who meet together regularly to do life together, discuss the sermon passage, encourage each other, and pray together. Every group has its own flavor, depending on the leaders and members, so check out their descriptions online by clicking here.

  • We’re excited you are considering taking your next step— browse our available groups.

    Our typical rhythm is to launch new groups in August and January, but there are several groups you can join throughout the year.

  • Many of our groups are diverse and meet all across the Arvada and foothills area. But we realize that with so many variables, like night of the week, area of town, and average demographic, you may not find a group that's right for you. While we are adding new groups all the time, you may want to consider starting one yourself! We can come alongside you and give you all the tools you’ll need to open up your home and lead a group. Another option is to consider a Men’s or Women’s Bible study, where you can also connect with others in the church as we study Scripture at a deeper level.

Want to get involved?

Lead a Group

Begin the conversation about what it would look like for you to lead a group of your own!

Staff leaders in
Home Groups

If you have a question about Home Groups reach out to one of staff leaders in this ministry.

Executive Pastor - Josh Navey